Mountain Christian Church | Sermons
Mountain Christian Church is a multi-campus church located in Harford County, Maryland. At Mountain, people matter, and all are welcome. We invite you to experience community, get help, make friends and celebrate life here. Mountain’s podcast feature Ben Cachiaras, other Mountain teaching pastors, and guest speakers. Visit for more information.
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Is it even possible to love your enemies? To pray for those who dislike, insult, or oppress you? When Jesus called his followers to be "perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect," he wasn't giving us an impossible standard to follow. He was announcing that the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived radically and unexpectedly. And this is the blueprint that He will use to fix the problems in our world.
So, if Jesus was serious in this teaching, then some things need to change. What if WE got serious about taking Jesus at his word and putting his Word into practice? Imagine how different your life – and the world – would be if those who claimed to follow Jesus actually did.
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
What do you do when you're faced with a sudden outburst of anger, lust, or resentment? Do you respond how you want to? In this video, we're getting to the root of anger, how resentment keeps us from God’s best, and where to run when lust comes lurking.
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Do you know what it takes to live a great life? Jesus outlines how to have a great life, and it's probably not what you'd think... In the most ignored teaching of Jesus in the Bible (The Sermon on the Mount), Jesus teaches us how to live a life of purpose, meaning, joy and satisfaction. So, if Jesus was serious in this teaching, then some things need to change. What if WE got serious about taking Jesus at his word and putting his Word into practice? Imagine how different your life – and the world – would be if those who claimed to follow Jesus actually did.
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
"Pain led me to my greatness. And that greatness led me to a self-destructive downfall" - Darryl StrawberryDarryl Strawberry is an MLB legend. With four World Series titles, Darryl dazzled many with the dynamics of his game. Though Darryl was extremely successful in his career, his personal life was plagued with addictions, abuse, divorces, cancer, jail time, and other issues. Darryl finally found true redemption and restoration in Jesus Christ. Today, as an ordained Minister, Darryl’s purpose and passion are serving The Lord Jesus Christ by speaking a message of hope and helping others transform their lives through the power of the gospel.
Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
There’s so much talk about mental and physical health these days. But how do you keep your SOUL healthy? Is that even a thing? How is it with your soul?
It’s easy to drift spiritually. Our hearts get pulled, our days get filled, and we find ourselves empty and far from God. With so much stress and life-draining junk going on all around us, we need a soul replenishment strategy that works.
The good news is you CAN live each day closely connected with Christ! Wherever you find yourself today, you are only a breath away from God!
We are going to learn some practices that can help us stay spiritually fresh and alive to God in the midst of a crazy time.
You will discover the pathway, practices, and people you need right now to feed your soul, based on how God wired you.
You will learn to reflect on the best and worst part of your day in a way that will grow gratitude in your heart.
You will learn how to hear what God is saying to you through a revolutionary way of listening through scripture.
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Lectio Divina is an ancient form of prayer, where we use Bible reading to intentionally listen to God. Through reading a small portion of scripture several times and answering a different question each time, God can speak to us, guide us, reveal his will to us through His Word.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
The Examen practice is a simple set of questions that help us discover how God is present in our entire life. Practicing the Examen involves taking a few minutes of quiet at the end of your day to reflect on the day, and then invite Jesus to guide those self reflections. As we practice this self-evaluation before God- we will find ourselves becoming people who live more fully with God in our daily lives.
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
Tuesday Feb 22, 2022
The Examen practice is a simple set of questions that help us discover how God is present in our entire life. Practicing the Examen involves taking a few minutes of quiet at the end of your day to reflect on the day, and then invite Jesus to guide those self reflections. As we practice this self-evaluation before God- we will find ourselves becoming people who live more fully with God in our daily lives.
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Growing in life starts with examining the life you’re living. Our spiritual lives are no different. God’s often placed signs and experiences in our life to direct us towards his will for our best life. All we have to do is slow down and listen. In this message, we will dive into the practice of the Examen. Examining your life daily through this practice may be your next step towards a healthy, thriving soul.
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
You don't choose the same medicine for every ailment, yet that's pretty much what most Christians do when it comes to our spiritual health. We can feel sort of stuck in a single way that we've selected on how to stay alive to God. But is that the only way? After awhile certain things we choose don't meet our needs any longer. The very thing that originally was supposed to help you connect and stay close to God, actually could start to take you further away. Even when you find something that works for you, there comes a time when you have to change it up. God doesn't make us cookie cutters. We all have difference experiences and temperaments, personalities and pathways. We all draw near to God in different ways, through different pathways. How do you do choose to draw near to God? What is your pathway?